Don’t Forget to Listen
When customers come to us either because they’re interested in what we offer or have a question regarding their account, we always take the opportunity to listen and learn about what they need. Instead of selling every awesome feature under the rainbow, see if you can pinpoint why the customer chose to approach you. Perhaps they only need a few tools they can’t find elsewhere. Your time will be much better spent selling the relevant tools. When a customer has a problem, try to really understand the essence of what they’re asking. Sometimes it’s better to address the root of the problem rather than providing a quick fix solution. For example, are they confused about the UI? If so, ask what their workflow is and explain how their workflow might work within your product. This is more effective than telling them what something does or where something is.
Don’t Use Technical Jargon Words
If you’re going for the intimidate, confuse, and annihilate strategy, absolutely use technical jargon. If you’re trying to calm customers down and help them through a difficult and frustrating situation, technical jargon won’t get you very far. You’ll most likely spend time explaining more than you have to. Instead, turn down the sophistication and use words and concepts they can easily understand. Remember, this is customer service. You’re not trying to look smart. You’re trying to be helpful.
Don’t Forget to Follow Up
It’s not likely that you’ll have an answer for every question. Following up with customers is crucial to maintaining a high level of service. We’ll even be the first to admit that following up with customers can get lost in the weeds sometimes. However, attempt to make it a priority to follow up whenever you promise to do so. Write it on a sticky note, attach an internal note to the conversation, or mark the conversation as “unresolved” in order to remind yourself. Another type of follow-up is to include customers in your progress as a company. Ask customers toward the end of your conversation whether or not they’d like to receive tips and tricks on how to use something, whether or not they’d like to receive a monthly newsletter, or if they’d like to participate in surveys. You’ll be surprised how many of your loyal customers will say yes.
Don’t Forget to Keep Up With the Industries You Service
Changes in your customers’ industries might seriously affect how they work and use your product or service. For better or for worse, it’s important to know what your customers need. Doing so will allow you to stay proactive instead of reactive to changing tides. Don’t be afraid to ask your customers about their industry and how your product might make their lives easier. This is also a great way to build confidence, trust, and loyalty by staying ahead of the curve and your competition.
Don’t Forget to Share Internally
We’ve all gone through this before. You call into a 1800 number. An agent answers the phone and deems it necessary to transfer you to another agent. You shiver in your seat and wonder if you have to explain the whole situation all over again. Luckily, we’re moving beyond that era and technology is able to solve some of that pain. That said, you’re the one responsible to make sure that internal sharing is happening. Leveraging technology to improve customer service is one of the smartest moves you can make. Instead of focusing on the color of a specific button, spend that time brainstorming about ways to make internal sharing an essential part of your customer service routine.