We finally decided to make a brief explainer video for Reamaze. So, we turned it into an exercise for the team. Who can come up with a concept for the video using the least amount of resources and obtain the highest possible ROI? According to some, an explainer video doesn’t need to be a “smart” concept. It just needs to be a clean one. Ever heard the phrase festina lente? Put simply, it means “slow is smooth, smooth is fast”. Here we think it means simple does the job.
You see, most explainer videos cost an arm or an leg for a startup. Even if you are well funded, it doesn’t mean you have to spend it. So how do you get the job done without looking scrappy? How much do you spend? And how do you justify that? How long does it need to be? What are you trying to sell? Over time, we realized that explainer videos can be great exercises for teams to truly grasp a product. They need to be balanced, efficient, orchestrated, and well thought out. So, how do you think we did? Let us know by posting a comment here.
What are your thoughts on explainer videos? What is the essence we’re trying to achieve with these videos?