In case you didn’t already know, Reamaze filters can be used in combination with each other. For example, you can first click on a channel and then on a sub-filter like “Unresolved” to see all unresolved conversations in that channel. You can also click on a channel first and then on a sub-filter like “Awaiting” to see all conversations that are awaiting your reply in that specific channel.
A few months back, we added support for the channel + tag combo. That means you can first click on a channel then on a tag to get all conversations tagged with X in channel Y. Staff member also have their own sub-filters!
Today, we’re introducing a new sub-filter to help you navigate and drill down even more. Below is a screenshot of the new tags sub-filter. That means you can now click on a tag and then a filter to see conversations in a specific state filed under that tag.
As with all good combos, you can do things like:
- Click on a channel
- Click on a tag
- Click on a tag sub-filter